Elliott Hulse never fails to impress with his teachings. A while ago I wrote a blog post as a rendition to his most inspirational lessons for growing stronger.

Quite frankly, I don’t believe it captures the completeness of Elliott’s genius, which is why I decided to expand on it and present 10 additional life-changing bits of advice by the former strongman.

Before you read any further, make sure you read part one of Elliot’s life lessons for personal growth.

Without further ado, let’s dive right in.

1. It’s not about what you get, it’s who you become.

One of Elliott’s deepest videos.

Our experiences are not about the tangible end result, it’s about the person we become. And to become the person we wish to become, we need challenges that build character.

This sounds very poetic, but consider this:

If we immediately got the thing we strived for, we wouldn’t really appreciate it because we would lack the character associated with possessing or achieving that thing.

Challenge simply means we are not yet the person who we need to become in order to achieve our goal.

See for yourself the eloquent and inspirational way that Elliott presents his idea:

2. You need to be tender to be Alpha

This one’s for all the ‘Alpha’ males flowing through our society.

It is a misconception that being an Alpha male means being aggressive all the time. True Alphas know how to balance tenderness and aggression.

What does that even mean?

You know you are aggressive when you are too pushy, too excited and you rush things. You make women feel uncomfortable. By the same token, you know you are too tender when you end up in the friendzone.

See the correct way to approach women successfully:

3. Be humble or be humiliated

No matter how mighty you think you are, there is someone out there who is going to put you in your place eventually.

Your inflated ego will sooner or later be degraded, forcing you to become humble.

What goes up is bound to come down, which makes the choice really simple. You either embrace humility or you will see it laid down upon you.

Watch the full video to see how you can become humble through the simple act of giving gratitude:

4. Love is not ownership

Next time your crush does not reciprocate your feelings, be it going on a first date, starting a relationship, whatever the case may be, remember that you don’t own that person.

Love is not synonymous with possession. Love happens within you and it’s your own responsibility to experience it and express it.

But if you try to impose your selfish desires on other people, you will destroy the beauty of the love that your beloved is granting you permission to experience.

Find out why below:

5. There are three kinds of people in your life

Every person you meet in your life serves a purpose. Elliott introduces the idea of three types of people:

  • Crystal balls – looking at these people will be indicative of your future. Think of them as a warning sign for where you might end up if you were to carry yourself in the world as they do.
  • Mirrors – these people will reflect your character flaws or virtues through their behavior towards you. Make sure to check out this blog post where I explained mirrors more thoroughly.
  • Angels – these people miraculously change your life with their presence. I’m sure you have experienced this – you met somebody, he imparted certain wisdom on you, or shared an idea, and you never saw this person again. But that idea changed your life.


6. Turn a wound into a womb

What the hell is Elliott Hulse talking about?

By wombs Elliott refers to the process of growing stronger, whereby we turn our hardships into opportunities for growth.

It is absolutely necessary that we take responsibility for our wounds. Whether self-inflicted or inflicted upon us, taking responsibility for our wounds gives us empowerment to turn them into wombs.

Watch Elliott’s great video on his personal journey of turning wounds into wombs.

7. Suicidal feelings are not wrong

Relating to the above video, Elliott throws in one of the deepest lines of his youtube career. I can’t possibly imagine myself rephrasing it in a better way, so without further ado:

‘To want to die to yourself, to want to commit suicide is not wrong. It’s just that you are looking at it the wrong way. It is not a physical death; it is a character or an ego death.’

You will experience multiple ‘deaths’ throughout your life and different versions of you will dissolve in time.

We ought to recognize the going-down processes in our life. Whenever we start feeling that a version of us is dying, we need to let it go. We need to allow this process to happen and experience in its fullness in order to be reborn again.

8. Do the thing you fear the most, the death of fear is certain

I hate to break it to you, but:

You can’t think your way out of your fear and self-doubt! There is no rationalization that can support you; you need to do the thing to get the power.

It is Elliott’s belief that courage is an iron virtue in today’s day and age. The problem with young men is not self-doubt, but the lack of courage to do the thing they’re afraid to do.

Find out how to courage is developed:

9. Inner motivation is a product of our body but it’s guided by our brain

Here Elliott once again alludes to the division between our neocortex (head brain) and cortex (body intelligence, intuition or heart brain).

Motivation occurs in the latter. It is a bodily phenomenon. If you find yourself ‘lacking motivation’ it simply means your heart and your body don’t really want it.  Your head brain might perceive it as a good idea due to external information you have been exposed to, but in your very core you don’t resonate with it.

That being said, you can use your neocortex to steer your unconscious through the stories we tell ourselves.

Make sure you check out Elliott’s ‘fooling your body’ technique below:

10. Your haters are your greatest blessing

The people who have hurt us throughout our life are instrumental to our life journey. You might hold grudges and animosity towards them, but the truth is they shaped who you are.

Choose gratitude and you will realize it is the naysayers and detractors that propelled you to think the way you think, act the way to act and accomplish what you have accomplished.

Check out the full story here:

Which lessons resonate within you? Let me know in the comment section below.